safety and well-being of everyone at Salt River Schools are our top priorities. We take all threats against our students and staff seriously.
Recently, a threat was made against one of our students on social media and the threat came from several youth who also attend our schools. School administrators and members of the Safe Schools and Security team learned of the threat and took immediate action to ensure the safety and well-being of the threatened student, as well as the students who made the threat.
Our highly trained staff carefully addressed the issue with all the youth involved, and the students agreed to participate in on-site mediation. All students later returned to their regular class schedules peacefully and without incident.
In addition to notifying our staff, students and families when issues like these occur, we also ask that
you help our leaders and the Safe Schools and Security team identify concerns as soon as possible so appropriate action can be taken immediately.
If you see, hear, learn or experience something on social media, in the school hallways, at home or have general concerns, please don’t hesitate to call Salt River Schools at 480-362-2500 or 911 in an emergency.
You and your student can also participate in our monthly
Soda With Security events, which feature a variety of important topics, including Internet safety. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, August 29, when we'll discuss our emergency response initiatives (
see attached flyer for details).
What's in the flyer:
Please join the Safe Schools & Security Team and School Resource Officers (SROs) for an important discussion about our EMERGENCY RESPONSE INITIATIVES!
Learn about fire drills, lockdowns, shelter-in-place, active shooter scenarios and more! The event is Wednesday, August 29, from 6-7:30 p.m. at the ECEC Gathering Place
Soda With Security events are public and all are invited to attend. Refreshments will be available will supplies last. For more information, call Safe Schools & Security at 480-362-2511 or visit their web page here.