Acting Interim Superintendent Dr. Vicky Corlett provides updates about Salt River Schools, then invites registrars from the ECEC, SRES, and ALA to talk about enrollment for the 2022-23SY (
click here for links to each school's enrollment forms). Then, Dr. Corlett announces Employee Service Awards for Salt River Schools staff who have worked for SRPMIC for 5, 10, 20, 25, and 30 years (
click here to view a PDF of the PowerPoint shown in the presentation)! Dr. Corlett ends the meeting with reminders about upcoming events, tutoring, and more.
Find time stamps to each topic by clicking on the
YouTube link. Please note: The forum begins at the 15:45 mark.
Posted 2/1/22
Join Dr. Vicky Corlett live to discuss important topics, such as student registration/enrollment for the 2022-23SY, employee service awards, health and safety information, and more.
There will also be opportunities to submit your comments/questions and have Dr. Corlett answer them live. This event is open to the Community.
Salt River Schools Community Forum
Tuesday, Feb. 22 | Noon-1PM
Via Facebook Live & MS Teams
Staff and students with SRS-issued devices can
click here to join via MS Teams. Anyone can dial in to the meeting by dialing 412-664-5196; use conference ID 409 853 671#. Or,
click here to join us on Facebook Live!
For more information, call 480-362-2500 or email
[email protected].