Student & Family Resources

Helping Families Support Home Learning
Having young learners at home is tough. We know that your jobs as parents and guardians is more difficult with the additional responsibility of keeping your children on task to do their school lessons. Plus, we miss seeing our students in the classroom! We know everyone is doing the best they can.

One of the key components to reducing school-related stress at home is to create routines for your child’s learning. Routines create a sense of order, control over their environment, and support behavior and social skills. When children understand daily routine expectations, they build skills for logical sequence and order, and are better able to adapt in times of unpredictability. The links below will help families while Salt River Schools students are learning virtually.

Click here to learn about Microsoft Teams!

Click here to read "Distance Learning: 8 Tips to Get Your Child Ready to Learn at Home," by Sean J. Smith.

Click here to view a sample schedule to optimize at-home learning.

What every student should know and be able to do in:

Online Division Curriculum
Salt River Elementary School students can access several learning programs from home. Click here to view Division-approved sites and general log in information. If your student does not remember their username and/or password, you can request that information by emailing the student's teacher.

Additionally, these links will give you more access to at-home learning activities that fall in line with Division curriculum standards to keep your student apace with their grade-level peers:

Education Native Language & Culture
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community consists of two cultures, the O’odham (Pima) and the Piipaash (Maricopa). Each culture has its own language, stories, art, songs, and dances. Students and staff are exposed to both cultures at Salt River Schools.

Please visit our Division's primary culture and language site, which has a variety of videos and audio samples to learn from. Also, please click here to view more Native American resource links recommended by our ENLC instructional team.
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