UPDATE 2/6/18
The National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) recognized the Salt River Schools Strategic Plan video in its weekly newsletter, which is distributed weekly to thousands of schools nationwide. (Unfortunately, the newsletter doesn't have an html format, so we posted a screenshot below.)

The text reads: Last year, the superintendent of Salt River Schools, Scottsdale, Ariz., directed his administration to develop a new strategic plan, one that focused on seamless combinations of academic rigor and the traditional cultures and languages of the O’odham and Piipaash communities served by the district. After months of hard work and input from all stakeholders, Salt River Schools released its five-year strategic plan at the start of the school year.
In anticipation of the first semi-annual check-in to ensure Strategic Plan progress, NSPRA member Taté Walker, communications and PR director, created a video to showcase the various ways the Strategic Plan specifically impacts students at Salt River Schools. “The video exemplifies not just the hopes and dreams of the Strategic Plan, but the results of student- and community-focused collaboration,” says Walker.
Check out our mid-year Strategic Plan highlight video!
Imagine a school system committed to not only providing world-class cradle-to-career education, but dedicated to Community-infused instruction that’s immersed in the O’odham and Piipaash cultures.
After months of hard work and collaboration among many students, parents, staff and Salt River Community members, this dream is becoming a reality at Salt River Schools through our new, 5-year Strategic Plan.
The video below was created to accompany the mid-year progress report on the Strategic Plan, which was recently presented to both the Strategic Plan Executive Team and the Education Board. You can review the progress report, including academic plans, here.
Though our schools have always been student-focused, the new Strategic Plan is our pathway to becoming a mission-driven system that’s forward-thinking, Community-minded and culturally-inspired.
We believe the mission, as well as the vision, values, goals and improvement initiatives, will be truly transformative and help ensure every student achieves their highest potential using the most advanced technologies to connect learning to Community, culture and the future.
The 5-year Strategic Plan is available at SaltRiverSchools.org. Download your copy today and help us honor our ancestors, our families and tomorrow’s leaders.
Closed captioning text is available on our YouTube channel.
Special thanks to Dalton Walker (narration), the Ironman Foundation (video clips) and www.bensound.com (theme music).