ECEC Leadership Transition

ECEC Leadership Transition
Posted on 04/16/2024
This is the image for the news article titled ECEC Leadership TransitionUpdated April 16, 2024
Ske:g Taṣ! Kamduum?* Hello Salt River Schools Staff,

I am eager to announce that I have named Dr. Emily Niu as the interim ECEC Leader. Her duties begin Monday, April 22. Dr. Niu has been with Salt River Schools since 2019; she has served as the former Salt River High School principal and is currently the Salt River Elementary School assistant principal. I am confident in their ability to lead the ECEC through this change.

In the meantime, I am working with Human Resources to fill the vacancy and hire a new leader as soon as possible. We will keep staff and families posted of all updates, but you can stay in-the-know and become more involved in the process by attending the monthly Policy Council meetings. Additionally, Dr. Niu and I will host two information sessions for families on Thursday, April 18; the first session will be held at arrival, from 7:30-8:30 a.m., and the second will be held at dismissal, from 3-5 p.m.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.


Sheryl Houston
Acting Superintendent/Director of Education
Salt River Schools
[email protected]

Updated April 12, 2024
This message is an update to the message posted below on Friday, April 5.

Ske:g Taṣ! Kamduum?* Hello Early Childhood Education Center Staff and Families.

This first week of leadership transition on campus has gone remarkably well. Our staff have always collaborated through challenging times – our efforts to continue services during the pandemic closures come to mind, as well as our flexibility and patience with our many construction projects. It’s fitting that we’re celebrating the Week of the Young Child at the ECEC this week, since that exemplifies the work we do and commitment we have to the education and care the Community’s youngest children. Coming together for the children and families we serve transcends any challenge we face, including staff transitions.

At this time, I continue to work with Human Resources to name an acting ECEC leader. I will keep you updated on that process and will soon announce who that person will be. Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. We are blessed to care for your children and serve this wonderful Community.


Sheryl Houston
Acting Superintendent/Director of Education

Originally posted on Friday, April 5.

Ske:g Taṣ! Kamduum?* Dear Salt River Schools Families,

Many changes are happening at Salt River Schools. At the Early Childhood Education Center, there has been a change in leadership, and Tami Brungard will not be returning as Early Childhood Education Leader.

Continuous services for our ECEC families is paramount to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our children and staff. Therefore, an acting ECE Leader will soon be named, effective April 15.

For the week of April 8-11, Barb Wilkinson, principal of the Accelerated Learning Academy, will be on site at the ECEC and will be the administrative contract for staff and families during this transition.

More information to come. This message was also broadcast to all Salt River Schools families of enrolled students. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Questions regarding the ECEC leadership transition can be directed to Salt River Schools Administration at 480-362-2500.

Thank you,

Sheryl Houston
Acting Superintendent/Director of Education
Salt River Schools
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