Friday, February 16, 2018
Dear Salt River Schools Family,
As we prepare for what will hopefully be a relaxing three-day
weekend, I’d like to take this time to reflect on the importance of
togetherness and kindness and share examples of how I see these things every day
at Salt River Schools.
Every school day, teachers and staff across our Division welcome students with
smiles. We’re proud that new this year is our Breakfast in the Classroom
initiative to ensure all students begin their day not just with emotional
fulfillment, but with healthy food in their bellies to give them the energy
they need to learn.
Every school day, students are learning traditional O’odham and Piipaash
languages and cultures. From birth through high school, this endeavor follows
our new Strategic Plan directive to prioritize and uplift our Community’s
strongest and most vital assets within all areas of education.
Every school day, our Safe Schools and Security team engages students, staff and
visitors to build positive and supportive relationships with each other, our
facilities and Community law enforcement. Student safety is our No. 1 priority
across the Division, which is why our security team is constantly reviewing
safety drills, such as lockdowns, shelter-in-place and more, to guarantee all
staff and students are prepared to act quickly and appropriately should the
worst happen.
Every day—24/7/365—our administrative leaders dream, brainstorm, plan and
fulfil ways to give our students and their families the best educational
experiences imaginable. We’re not perfect, but with hard work and collaboration
amongst all stakeholders, we know we’ll get there.
Like all educators and parents throughout the nation, I am
deeply saddened by the tragedy of yet another school shooting. On behalf of
everyone in our Division, I’d like to extend condolences and prayers to the
students, staff and families of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in
Parkland, Florida. Though we strive to ensure normal routines in our classrooms
after events like this, leaders and guidance counselors throughout Salt River
Schools have been addressing any and all concerns related to this heartbreaking
incident. To students, staff and families: Please reach out if you need
resources. We are here for you.
Community resources are also available. If you need someone to
talk to outside of business hours—about the events in Florida or any other
issue—the SRPMIC Department of Health and Human Services’ Crisis Intervention
Team has a 24/7 hotline you can call anytime: Call 480-850-9230 and ask for the
“Crisis Line.”
This weekend and always, it is my greatest hope that we strive
to meet each other with radical kindness—for the sake of our own wellbeing and
the wellbeing of others. Building a system of trust takes time, but I am so
humbled at the growth I’ve seen across Salt River Schools when it comes to
respect and communication among staff, students and families. Remember: We will do this together.
Dr. Louis Laffitte, Jr.
Superintendent, Salt River Schools