Invitation to Participate in Strategic Planning

Invitation to Participate in Strategic Planning
Posted on 03/13/2017
Superintendent Dr Laffitte

Dear Salt River Schools’ Stakeholder,

Salt River Schools will soon begin our strategic planning for the next five (5) years and we invite all Division staff, parents/guardians and families, as well as interested Community members to join us!

What is a Strategic Plan? John M. Bryson defines strategic planning as a “disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does and why it does it, with a focus on the future.” For Salt River Schools, our strategic planning approach is to be inclusive, collaborative and engaging, while always focusing on our students’ life-long learning journeys.

How can YOU participate in our strategic planning?

1. Soon, you’ll receive a survey from Salt River Schools. We ask that you complete this short, simply S.O.A.R. survey as soon as possible, so that we might learn your opinion about our Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results. This survey is one of the most important tools we have to guide our strategic plan.

2. In addition, we also invite you to volunteer as a member of the Strategic Planning Executive Team (SPET). SPET will be a group of active, results-driven participants responsible for evaluating the progress of Salt River Schools at least twice per academic year. Please submit your interest by Friday, March 24. If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a member of SPET, please call Chief of Staff Dawn Yazzie Howard at (480) 362-2523 or email [email protected].

We look forward to your ideas and participation. Thank you for your time and commitment to providing the best education for our Community.


Dr. Louis Laffitte, Jr.
Salt River Schools

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