Approved Wellness Policy
The Salt River Schools Wellness Policy is an important tool for parents/guardians and schools to help promote student wellness, reduce childhood obesity, and provide nutritional guidelines.
Help us protect your child by ensuring the school has your current contact information on file (email, home phone, work phone and at least one emergency contact).
To reach our health staff, call 480-362-2500.
Contagious Illness Notification
Parents/Guardians are required to notify their child's school if their student has a contagious illness. General messages (SchoolMessenger broadcasts) are sent home as a courtesy when students have been exposed to a contagious illness; no student/staff identification will be provided in this message. State law requires that students be excluded from school when they are suspected of having contagious diseases.
Other Illnesses or Injuries
When students become injured or ill during the school day, Salt River Schools health staff will confirm what level of intervention is required. Parents/Guardians will be called if the student needs to be sent home or should be seen by a doctor. If a student does not need to go home, staff will assist the student and return them to class. A written note will be sent home informing parents/guardians about the incident and will indicate if follow-up care is recommended. Students who are determined to be ill may not remain at school. Please do not send your students to school when they are ill. Common signs of illness may include the following symptoms:
- Headache
- Rash
- Earache
- Vomiting
- Stomach ache
- Diarrhea
- Sore throat
- Cold-like symptoms
- Red eyes with yellow drainage
- Open sores with yellow drainage
If your student has these symptoms, please keep your student home until the symptoms have subsided for 24 hours. Please make sure to contact the school and report the student’s absence along with the reason. Parents /Guardians must make arrangements for the care of their students, should their student become ill on a school day.
Prescription medicines: Appropriate staff will administer prescription medication, if it must be given during school hours, to attending students with proof of a valid ordered by a physician, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner. This includes medicine that is ordered for four (4) or more times per day or for medication that must be administered at a specific time of day.
Over-the-counter medications: Appropriate staff will administer these medications with a valid doctor’s order, or at the discretion of the school nurse; however, proper parent/guardian permission must be submitted in writing. Over-the-counter medications will only be administered according to the label instructions or by a valid doctor’s order. All requirements for said medications and items required for administering medicine must be provided by the parent/guardian.
Transportation of medicines: All medicines must be brought to the school's front office by a parent/guardian or other authorized adult. Medicine(s) must be in the original container with instructions affixed by the dispensing pharmacy or manufacturer of origin. Medicines brought to school in containers other than described such as: baggies, envelopes, foil, or other unlabeled containers will be confiscated for safety concerns of all students. Confiscated medicines will not be administered at the school. Delivery of properly packaged and labeled medication is the sole responsibility of the student's parent/guardian. Please assist the school in protecting all students by adhering to these standards for all medication.
Parent/Legal Guardian permission: The parent/guardian must fill out the “Medication Permission” form before any medication may be considered for administration at the school.
Restriction on administration of medicines: Our schools reserve the right to require the parent/guardian to administer any medication. Schools reserve the right to prevent students from self-administering any medication while on school premises or while being transported via school-operated vehicles.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol): If a student is fever-free and the school nurse or authorized staff has determined that it is appropriate to do so may elect to administer an appropriate dose of Acetaminophen (generic Tylenol) from the school purchased supply. This courtesy will only be provided if a signed parent/guardian permission form is on file and is further restricted to a minimum student age of 8 years old.
Head lice definition: Head lice are small parasites that live in human hair. They attach their eggs (nits) to the hair shaft, near the scalp. They eat human blood but are not known to spread disease. Head lice can spread from person–to-person but do not hop or fly. Head lice are a common problem in young children of all demographics, and may even get into adult hair. Lice move from person-to-person on shared items like combs, hats, and hair decorations.
Please help us as we help your child while we work to stop the spread of lice.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities & Tips
- Check your child's hair weekly for lice.
- If lice are found, treat the hair with a lice product that may be recommended by a doctor or pharmacist or a safe non-toxic alternative.
- It is important that you follow the directions carefully and that you remove the nits.
- Lice products do not kill all of the nits. If you find nits, but do not see bugs remove the nits.
- If there are nits in the first ¼ inch of the hair there are probably bugs, too.
- If all of the nits are more than ½ inch from the scalp, they are empty or dead.
- Nits are often visible to others and may cause your child embarrassment. Please remove them.
Head Lice School Action
- Lice checks are periodically performed at the ECEC and SRES.
- Students with nits/bugs are sent home at the end of the day.
- When head checks are conducted, each student will be given a notice to bring home. The notice will indicate if lice or nits were found on that student.
- If lice were found please check all family members and seek to treat everyone with lice and/or nits.
- Your student should not miss any school because of head lice.
Absences due to head lice are considered unexcused, other than for the day or partial day when a student is sent home with an active case of head lice.
Please treat your child and send them to school as soon as possible.
Chronic head lice: It should be noted that identified chronic cases of head lice may be considered child neglect.
Salt River Schools COVID-19 PROTOCOLS
Click here to view the SRPMIC Return-to-Work Plan Salt River Schools will adhere to these guidelines. As of 4/15/22, the Community is in Phase 4 (face masks optional, but encouraged).
For more information about the Community's COVID-19 efforts, including vaccine information, please visit or call the COVID-19 Hotline at 480-362-2603.
- All SRS staff are fully vaccinated against C19. Students are encouraged, but not required, to be fully vaccinated. "Fully vaccinated" means you have received 2 doses of vaccine + a booster.
- Effective Aug. 29, 2022: Salt River Schools will no longer quarantine classrooms when an individual tests positive for C19. Our new protocols reflect the latest recommendations from SRPMIC and federal health authorities; we are also now more in line with surrounding school districts. We will no longer send notifications to school families for individual cases.
- Individuals who test positive for C19 or exhibit flu-like symptoms must stay home until those symptoms have cleared. If staff or students test positive for C19, an SRPMIC health official will support their care and determine how long their quarantine should last, which will be communicated to the school.
- If you do not have symptoms and you test negative for C19, you are welcome back to school, even if other members of your family have tested positive.
- Salt River Schools maintains the right to enforce face mask mandates if there is an increase in campus C19 numbers.
- As of 8/29/22 we will no longer send notifications regarding individual cases of COVID-19. As of 6/13/23, we will no longer provide COVID-19 case counts at Salt River Schools.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's principal or call the SRPMIC Epidemiologist at 480-362-7247.