Did you miss our first training held on Nov. 14? Don't worry - there's a second training coming up in December!
"Got Challenging Behavior: Now What?" is a collaboration between Child Find and the SRPMIC Special Needs Resource Program. The training is open to all SRPMIC families. It will be held Wednesday, Dec. 6, from 4-6 p.m. in the Education Board Room (the circular structure in the southeast corner of the ECEC/Admin campus). Dinner will be provided.
Participants will learn Pivotal response treatment (PRT) and how it builds and improves on the basic principles of behavior modification. PRT uses a child's natural motivations (toys, games, and activities that a child wants and cares about) to teach and reinforce new, pro-social behaviors.
Please RSVP by calling 480-362-2257. Questions? Call Nikki Thomas, SRS Child Find Coordinator, at 480-362-2214, or Zandria Ransom, SRPMIC Special Needs Coordinator, at 480-362-6980.
Posted 10/1/23
The Salt River Schools Child Find program is teaming up with the SRPMIC Special Needs Resource Program to offer two free workshops centered on helping families who have children with autism. The workshops are open to all SRPMIC families. Please RSVP to one or both classes by calling 480-362-2257. Click here to view the flyer.
The first class, "What is Autism?" will be held Tuesday, Nov. 14, from noon to 2 p.m. at Child Find (located in the ECEC campus at 4636 N. Center St., Scottsdale, AZ 85296). Lunch will be provided!
Participants will learn: (1) Strengths and challenges; (2) How environment and community affect children; and (3) Strategies to support learning.
The second workshop, "Got Challenging Behavior: Now What?" will be held Wednesday, Dec. 6, from 4-6 p.m. at Child Find. Dinner will be provided.
Participants will learn Pivotal response treatment (PRT) and how it builds and improves on the basic principles of behavior modification. PRT uses a child's natural motivations (toys, games, and activities that a child wants and cares about) to teach and reinforce new, pro-social behaviors.
Questions? Call Nikki Thomas, SRS Child Find Coordinator, at 480-362-2214, or Zandria Ransom, SRPMIC Special Needs Coordinator, at 480-362-6980.