This page serves as an archive of our COVID-19 notices posted from March 2020 through June 2021. Click here to find notices for the 2021-22SY.
Click here to view the updated SRPMIC Return Strong Return-to-Work Plan (updated June 17, 2021). Salt River Schools will adhere to these guidelines.
Click here to view the Salt River Schools Health & Safety Plan (which was originally posted March 3).
Updated 6/29/21
The vaccine clinics scheduled for June and July were cancelled due to the lack of appointments made (those who made an appointment were notified of alternative vaccine options). Call 480-362-5555 to set up a time for your youth to receive a free COVID-19 vaccine at the Salt River Clinic.
Updated 5/19/21
Salt River Elementary School will close its campus to students and staff on Thursday, May 20, after leaders were made aware of the fourth test-confirmed COVID-19 case at SRES. SRES students will learn remotely on the last day of school (5/20). Click here to learn more.
Updated 5/12/21
Salt River Schools is excited to host a Pfizer vaccine clinic, which is open to all SRPMIC youth ages 12-18. Parents/guardians must sign up for an appointment and fill out the form highlighted below.
Here's what you need to know:
- The vaccine clinic is scheduled for Thursday, May 20, from 3-6 p.m.
- There is a limited number of vaccine doses available for this event. Parents/Guardians must schedule a vaccine appointment for their child. Call 480-362-2603 and select option 2.
- The event is located at Salt River High School. Park in the lot, then the child + one adult are allowed to walk into the front lobby.
- Questions? Call 480-362-5555.
Please note that the Pfizer vaccine requires two doses for maximum effectiveness. After receiving the first dose, children will need to receive a second dose three weeks later. Please read this fact sheet about the Pfizer vaccine for youth ages 12-18. Call 480-362-5555 with any questions.

Updated 4/14/21
Click here to view the reopening plan for the Early Childhood Education Center.
Updated 4/12/21
Click here to view the reopening plan for Salt River Elementary School.
Click here to view the Salt River Schools Health & Safety Plan (which was originally posted March 3).
Updated 4/9/21
[This message was also delivered to families via SchoolMessenger broadcast.]
Dear Salt River Schools Families,
This letter is to update you on our plans to return to in-person learning. On Wednesday, April 7, the Salt River Schools Education Board approved to officially reopen our campuses to in-person learning on Monday, April 26. This will impact enrolled students at the Early Childhood Education Center, Salt River Elementary School, and the Accelerated Learning Academy.
Each site will have its own reopening plan based on feedback from families regarding how many students will return to learn in person and those students who will continue learning remotely*. Please stay in touch with your child’s teacher so we know your plans and can take your needs into account.
For the last two weeks, staff across Salt River Schools have been working hard to accomplish many things, including preparing their classrooms and busses, building student desks, installing safety equipment, and preparing curriculum for both in-person and remote learning. Our staff are doing these things and more in addition to continuing to offer a robust virtual learning experience for our students, as well as provide resources to families. SRES and ALA families: Please continue to ensure your student attends virtual classes.
These next two weeks will allow our schools and educators to be as prepared as possible to welcome students safely back on campus. School educators will be in contact with students and families to keep them informed of the important elements of our reopening, including transportation, meals, pick-up/drop-off, state assessment information, classroom expectations, and more.
As always, the decision to reopen (and stay open) is based on a number of factors, especially COVID-19 and its spread in the Community. Please continue to wear face masks, social distance, and wash hands. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we create plans that will benefit students, families, and staff in the safest way possible.
Dr. Cynthia Clary
Acting Superintendent
*All families have the right to choose whether your child will continue their virtual studies at home with their school-issued device OR return to learn in person at school when we reopen on April 26. Schools will communicate more about this in the coming days.
Updated 4/8/21
The Salt River Schools Education Board approved the reopening date of Monday, April 26, for students to return to in-person learning.
More information to come - check back here often for the most up-to-date messaging. Families with enrolled students will receive a broadcast message on Friday (4/9) with site-specific reopening details for the ECEC, SRES, and ALA.
Salt River Schools continues to work closely with SRPMIC leaders, as well as local and other health authorities to ensure our reopening plans are safe and beneficial for students, families, and staff. Click here to review our health and safety plan, which as approved by the Education Board in March.
We know there are still many questions and we will do our best to answer them as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Updated 3/29/21 (please note the reopening information in this notice was updated on 4/8/21)
Dear Salt River Schools Families,
We are proud of all the amazing things our students have achieved during this unprecedented year of virtual study, and our educators eagerly anticipate the day when we can open our doors for in-person learning. This may occur as soon as Monday, April 12, and this letter is one of many messages you will receive in the coming days regarding the possibility of your student(s) returning to school.
Leaders at Salt River Schools are anticipating that the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community will move to Phase 2 of the Return to Work Plan on Monday, April 12*. Should this happen, families who choose to send their children back to school at the Early Childhood Education Center, Salt River Elementary School, and the Accelerated Learning Academy can expect for them to continue in-person learning through the end of this school year; the last day of school is Thursday, May 20.
Virtual learning will continue leading up to April 12; please make sure your student continues to meet their attendance and virtual classroom expectations. In the coming days, educators from your child’s school will call you to discuss a variety of things to help your family be as successful as possible during the transition back to school. Please make sure we have your most updated contact information on file so we can reach you. Some things you will discuss include whether or not your child will return to school or continue learning virtually**; what school transportation needs you might have, school/student health and safety precautions, and more.
We know there are a lot of questions, many of which we may not have the answers to yet, so we appreciate your patience and understanding—we will do our best to keep you informed via broadcast messages (phone calls and emails), our website, and our social media pages. To avoid misinformation, please check our website for the most updated facts, or call your child’s school leaders.
We are so excited about the possibility of seeing students and families again, and we will be working hard over the next two weeks to ensure our schools are safe and ready to welcome students and staff back. Remember: We will do this together.
Dr. Cynthia Clary
Acting Superintendent
*This information could change depending on the spread of COVID-19 and what the Community decides is best in terms of reopening. There are a lot of factors to consider with regards to reopening and staying open, the biggest of which is to maintain health guidelines of wearing face masks and washing your hands.
**You may choose for your child to continue their virtual studies at home with their school-issued device OR return to learn in person at school. However, whatever choice you make will be how your child will learn through the end of the school year (you may not choose to do virtual learning one week, then in-person learning the next). Schools will communicate more about this in the coming days.
The message above was also sent as a broadcast message to families with phone numbers and email addresses on file.
Updated 3/3/21
Many of you have seen the news regarding the Arizona Governor’s executive order announced today regarding in-person learning for students across the state. However, tribal sovereignty and the orders dictated by tribal councils are not impacted by the governor's executive order, as confirmed by the Arizona Office of Indian Education and ADE State Superintendent Kathy Hoffman.
Salt River Schools will resume in-person classes once we are permitted to do so by the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Tribal Council; on Monday, March 1, the tribe transitioned to Phase 1 of its Return to Work Plan. Salt River Schools will reopen after the Community enters Phase 2. We are in close communication with many health and education agencies, and we are confident that our reopening will be safe, flexible, and productive for everyone who walks through our doors.
Please review our comprehensive Health & Safety Reopening Plan, which was updated and approved by the Education Board on March 1. We will continue to update you as more information becomes available. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Dr. Cynthia Clary
Acting Superintendent
Salt River Schools

Updated on 1/19/21
POSTED ON BEHALF of Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community.* Questions? Call the SRPMIC HHS COVID-19 hotline at 480-362-2603.
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community will host a COVID-19 drive-up vaccine clinic on Saturday, Jan. 23, and Sunday, Jan. 24, at the Salt River Community Building, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Pre-registration is required to receive the vaccine. To setup an appointment, call the COVID Hotline number at (480) 362-2603, and press option 2. Please leave your name and phone number. The SR Clinic staff will contact you to schedule an appointment
The vaccine clinic is open to individuals within the following groups:
- Any resident over 65 living in the SR Community
- Salt River Schools Staff
- Casino Security Staff
- Any Essential Worker
- Anyone listed in the 1A & 1B Category

*This is not a Salt River Schools event, but we highly encourage our stakeholders to participate!
Updated 1/12/21
POSTED ON BEHALF of SRPMIC Health & Human Services and the Epidemiology Team.* Questions? Call HHS at 480-278-7114.
About Operation Salivation: The COVID-19 Saliva Testing Event
- WHAT: Non-invasive, free testing to protect against the spread of COVID-19.
- WHO: This event is open to SR Community members and their families, SRPMIC employees, and SR enterprise employees.
- WHERE: Salt River Community Building (Longmore/McDowell)
- WHEN: Thursday, Jan. 21, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- WHAT: This event will allow quick and easy COVID-19 testing using your saliva. It’s very simple: The client will pool saliva in their mouth and guide it into a tube where it will be labeled and recorded for processing.
- This is a drive-up event. Please have your face mask on if you are not actively taking the saliva test.
Please call 480-278-7114 to make an appointment. If you are homebound, please call us to make an arrangement for our staff to visit you and complete the saliva test at your home.
HHS and the Epidemiology Team want Community members to be safe and get tested. Click here for more information about the specific test. Please help us spread the word!

*This is not a Salt River Schools event, but we highly encourage our stakeholders to participate!
Updated 9/21/20
Dear Salt River Schools Families,
I hope this letter reaches you well (click here to view a PDF of the letter). Congratulations on making it to the eighth week of school! As we near the end of our first quarter, I am so proud of how students and families, as well as our staff and Community, have rallied to make this a safe and successful school year, despite the many challenges and unknowns created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Salt River Schools will resume in-person classes once we are permitted to do so by the SRPMIC Tribal Council; on Friday, Sept. 18, tribal leaders announced they will continue with Essential Services operations through at least October 4. We will reopen once the Community enters Phase 2 of its Return to Work Plan. We are in close communication with many health and education agencies, and we are confident that our reopening will be safe, flexible, and productive for everyone who walks through our doors. We will update you as more information becomes available. Please know Salt River Schools is here for you:
- The Salt River Schools website—along with the websites for the ECEC, SRES, and ALA—is the best way to stay updated with all our happenings.
- The ECEC distributes learning materials and resources to families every Monday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the drive-up in front of the school. Call/email your child’s teacher or Family Advocate for more information.
- The Higher Education and NYCP Literacy for All programs are teaming up to give away book bags for adults during the next several ECEC distribution days. The first 50 adults on Sept. 28 will receive a free bag!
- SRES distributes work packets every Monday and Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Completed packets from the previous week may be dropped off at this time, as well. This is a drive-up service and someone will meet you at your vehicle. Outside of these times, homework packets can be placed in the gray mail box outside the front office (Center Street entrance). Issues with student technology can be directed to your teacher.
- FREE meals are available to all youth 18 and younger Monday-Friday from 10-11:30 a.m. at the ECEC (enter along Center Street). Delivery options are available to families living within the Salt River/Lehi boundaries. More information can be found here.
- Salt River Schools will be closed (NO SCHOOL) on Friday, Sept. 25, for the SRPMIC Native American Recognition Days holiday.
- We will celebrate NARD with treats and cultural pride on Thursday, Sept. 24, at the meal distribution site at the ECEC from 10-11:30 a.m. Wear your regalia, brush up on your Indigenous language(s), and have some fun!
- The Higher Education program will host an Orientation event on Facebook Live on Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 3 p.m. (you do not need to have a Facebook account to view the live feed). It will be recorded and posted on the Higher Education website for later viewing.
- Fall Break is October 5-9 (NO SCHOOL).
- A drive-up flu shot clinic will be held at the former Salt River High School from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8. Click here for more information about other clinics in the Community.
- In October, Salt River Schools students, as well as those from other schools who visit the meal distribution site at the ECEC, will be able to participate in fun voting activities. Stay tuned for more information!
- Please wear a mask anytime you interact with Salt River Schools staff in person.
Questions about any of the above can be directed to Taté Walker, Salt River Schools Communications and PR Director at 480-362-2500 or email [email protected]. We will share updates with you as we receive them, so please make sure your child’s school has your family’s most updated contact information. We appreciate your patience and understanding during these challenging times. With your support, we know we can get through this together.
Thank you,
Dr. Cynthia Clary, Acting Superintendent
Updated 9/16/20
This is a recording of the Salt River Schools Community Forum hosted by Acting Superintendent Dr. Cynthia Clary on Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2020. It aired live on Facebook and is here as a permanent recording. Please see below for the various guests and topics discussed.
If you watch this video on our YouTube channel, the highlighted timestamps will actually take you to that section of the video when you click on them - check it out!
3:20 Community Forum begins with an introduction by Education Board President Henry Osif.
6:09 Dr. Cynthia Clary discusses the priorities of Salt River Schools and our dedication to create effective and successful digital learning spaces for students and supports for families that are in place to ensure that success.
8:40 SRS Curriculum & Instruction Director Robert Gray discusses the ways we support learning and teaching. This includes an overview of elementary practices currently in place, including weekly homework packets, and use of ClassDojo. Other topics discussed by Mr. Gray: SRS will roll out Microsoft Teams (10:30) to soon begin "live" virtual instruction; School-at-Home Kit crates (11:48) for learning at home long-term (but also for when we return to in-person classes); virtual tutoring (12:50); state testing (13:40); and setting up routines for your child(ren) while they're learning from home (16:12). Click here to learn more about our Curriculum & Instruction department.
17:32 Dr. Victoria Corlett, Director of Student Support Services, discusses social and emotional supports for students and families. She references: School & Community Relations (18:12), which supports students and families who attend schools off-Community; Child Find for children age 0-5 (19:10); Special Education for students with disabilities (19:48); Social Service Facilitators (20:48) can help with a variety of things, including electricity, food, creating student routines, and also work with the family unit; SRPMIC Behavioral Health Service teleservices (21:31). Click here for more information about our Student Support Services department.
23:50 Taté Walker, SRS Communications & PR Director gives Ed Division updates: the Early Childhood Education Center (24:53) has a new playground and hosts resource distribution days every Monday; Salt River Elementary School (26:20) homework distribution every Monday and Tuesday, technology assistance, and Specials videos; reminder to wear masks whenever in-person interactions take place, including distributions (29:24); Accelerated Learning Academy message from Principal Jama Nacke (30:00) and ACT information; (32:41) Higher Education orientation event Sept. 30 at 3 p.m. on Facebook Live; (33:52) Meal Distribution updates, including that our meals can be delivered and are for ALL youth age 18 and under, regardless of where those youth live or go to school - youth do not need to be present to receive the meals.
38:00 Wrap-up with Dr. Clary
Updated 9/11/20
Every quarter, Salt River Schools leaders host a Community Forum to keep our stakeholders connected and to answer any questions you might have about things that impact our schools, students, families, and staff. The next Community Forum is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 15, at 3 p.m.
In lieu of an in-person Community Forum, Salt River Schools Acting Superintendent Dr. Cynthia Clary will host a conversation with education leaders on Facebook Live. Leaders will discuss our response to COVID-19 and what's to come, curriculum-related topics, and other important information you need to know. The conversation will be recorded and available after the event. We welcome your questions/comments before, during, and after the event: email [email protected] or call 480-362-2500 and leave a message.
- WHAT: Community Forum
- WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 15 @ 3p.m.
- WHERE: Facebook Live
- WHY: To share important information with our families and answer questions you might have.
We hope you can join us!
Updated 7/24/20
Salt River Schools has been thoughtful and deliberate in developing a series of learning tracks designed to accommodate families during this unprecedented time. Input from stakeholders in the medical community has played a valuable role in determining options to provide meaningful learning opportunities while complying with current Community, state, and CDC guidance. With safety in mind, we have developed the following student learning opportunity tracks:
- Description: Students will attend school remotely five days a week and stay connected with their classroom via online and physical learning materials.
- Learning Environment: Students will learn remotely from home, while staying connected with their school.
- Student Instruction: Students will receive instruction from their assigned teacher and will follow school grade-level requirements.
- Family Considerations
- Childcare for five days
- Internet Connectivity when technology is deployed
- Stay connected with school
- Description: Students will have a combination of two days of in-person instruction with three days of remote learning at home.
- Learning Environment: Students will be divided into small groups (cohorts). Classrooms will be arranged to ensure social distancing.
- Student Instruction: Students will attend class in person for two days and receive instruction and guidance remotely for the remainder of the week.
- Family Considerations
- Child care for three days
- Internet Connectivity
- Stay connected with school
- Description: Students would be physically attending onsite classes when it is deemed safe to do this.
- Learning Environment: Students would remain divided into smaller groups. Classrooms would remain arranged to ensure social distancing.
- Student Instruction: Student would attend in person for five days a week while continuing to practice social distancing and other safety precautions.
- Family Considerations
- Continue to stay connected with school

Beginning August 3, our Food Services team will provide pre-packaged breakfast and lunch meals to students enrolled at Salt River Schools (ECEC, SRES, or ALA). These meals can be picked up weekdays from 10–11:30 a.m. at the ECEC student drop off area. This service will continue as long as students are learning remotely.
All Salt River Schools will welcome back students on Monday, August 3, to begin our PHASE 1 student learning opportunity track in a remote environment. We will continue to monitor the local COVID-19 situation to determine when it is best to offer in-person learning.
Beginning the week of July 27, educators at Salt River Schools will reach out by phone to caregivers and explain how the PHASE 1 remote learning opportunity track will work. You will be asked to verify your mailing address and other information.
School-issued technology (laptops, or tablets for younger students), will be available for all enrolled SRES and ALA students beginning the week of August 3. We are working to provide all students with this technology ASAP to ensure dynamic learning environments regardless of whether students are in class or at home. Click here for information about how to enroll your student at Salt River Schools and collect your student’s school-issued technology.
Salt River Schools has worked to align our student learning opportunity plan, as well as our 2020-2021 academic calendar (available at as much as possible with Mesa Public Schools. The goal of this alignment is to provide as much continuity and consistency for the numerous families with children in both school districts.
Salt River Schools remains committed to providing excellent instruction in a healthy, equitable learning environment. Meeting the needs of our families and Community contributes to the overall success of students.
We greatly appreciate your continued support as we navigate this “new normal” in our schools. Please continue to visit our website for the most updated information.
Dr. Cynthia Clary
Acting Superintendent
This letter was delivered as a SchoolMessenger Broadcast to families. You can read this same message as a PDF here.
Updated 7/14/20
As we prepare for the start of the 2020-2021 school year, there are many unknowns. Salt River Schools educators have been hard at work creating a flexible, responsible, and comprehensive plan for returning to school that focuses on safety and high quality education.
At this time, students will start school remotely on Monday, August 3. Teachers will be in touch with students and families prior to the start of school to ensure student needs are met. Salt River Schools will resume in-person classes once we are permitted to do so by the SRPMIC Tribal Council; additionally, we continue to follow the COVID-19 situation, and we are in close communication with state health and education agencies. Based on these sources, we are in the process of developing reopening plans that ensure safe, flexible, and productive school experiences for all.
Since the situation is fluid, our website will contain the most up-to-date information available. We appreciate your patience and understand, and we hope you and your families stay safe.
Updated 5/12/20
Acting Superintendent Dr. Cynthia Clary hosted a Facebook Live conversation with site leaders and our Education Board president to chat about Class of 2020 graduation information, summer programming, and enrollment information for next school year. Click over to YouTube for a complete video that includes time stamps for easy access to specific discussion points. Questions? Email [email protected].
Updated 4/6/20
REMINDER: All Arizona schools are closed through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Check out our home and distance learning opportunities here.
Please note: Our food distribution will continue to provide services at SRHS (look for the canopy!) until further notice, including Friday, April 10.
UPDATE: In order to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19, all Salt River Schools campuses and offices are closed to the public at this time, including the Education Administration building. If you need assistance, please email [email protected] or call/text 480-692-8159.

Updated 3/30/20
All Arizona schools are now closed through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. This includes the Early Childhood Education Center, Salt River Elementary School, Salt River High School, and the Accelerated Learning Academy. The official announcement was made this morning by Governor Doug Ducey and Superintendent Kathy Hoffman in response to the growing concern about COVID-19 (coronavirus). Read more about that announcement here.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we try to find the answers to the many questions we know you have. We have them, too, and are doing our best to coordinate with SRPMIC and state officials to figure out next steps. In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with our website and social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube – search for us @saltriverschools). These are the best places to receive authorized updates from Salt River Schools.
Many education staff, including our teachers, will continue to provide essential services to families; please make sure your contact information is updated so we can connect you with instructional support opportunities and ensure your child continues a successful learning journey from home.
Please note:
- In addition to schools providing at-home learning packets for students, we also hope you’ll take advantage of the amazing online resources recommended by our very own Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Stant, as well as our amazing Curriculum & Instruction team. Keep checking back, because we are constantly updating the links as we come across new opportunities.
- Our closure includes all testing/state assessments, programs, events, sports, trips, performances, dances, etc. We do not know yet if we will host promotion or graduation ceremonies. We will notify you of any new information as soon as possible. Stay updated at
- All school campuses and offices are closed to the public, including the ECEC, SRES, SRHS, and the ALA. Higher Education, ABE/GED, Child Find, and School & Community Relations are also closed.
The Education Administration office (located at 4836 N. Center Street next to the ECEC) will be open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (subject to change – please call ahead, if possible, to ensure the front office will be able to help you). Any staff working on-site will follow all public health recommendations.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention remain one of the best resources about all things COVID-19, including information and updates about the coronavirus, how to keep yourself healthy, signs and symptoms, and even how to talk to children about COVID-19 and manage stress related to this situation.
These are challenging and unpredictable times. Closing our schools through the end of the school year is meant to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, as well as help families make long-term plans. Salt River Schools staff are here to help however we can. With your support and collaboration, we know we can get through this together.
Thank you,
Dr. Cynthia Clary
Acting Superintendent
Updated 3/25/20
This message is to update you about some changes taking place at our schools to do our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). The CDC has great information about how to take precautions at home.
Today, all SRPMIC departments were instructed to strengthen their COVID-19 prevention protocols. At Salt River Schools, this means we’re closing all our buildings to public access and allowing only two staff on site at any given time and only to perform essential services. Notices have been placed on the doors to all school campuses.
The Education Administration office will remain operational and will answer calls from the main line of every school campus. Staff operating the phones will do their best to assist you with your needs. Additionally, the administration office (located at 4836 N. Center Street next to the Early Childhood Education Center) is open to limited walk-in traffic from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please call ahead—480-362-2500—before visiting, and check out our website at for the most updated information available.
Please take note of the following:
- At this time, all Arizona schools will remain closed through
Friday, April 10 THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. We are in constant communication with SRPMIC leaders, state education officials, and health authorities and will adjust this date as directed and keep our families notified of any changes.
- Free food distribution for all youth 18 and under will continue weekdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Salt River High School. Youth must be present to receive their meals (breakfast and lunch are distributed at the same time).
- The U.S. Department of Education will not require standardized testing for the current year for all students, elementary through high school. In Arizona, this includes AzM2 (formerly AzMERIT), AIMS Science, and for Menu of Assessment charters/districts ACT for 11th graders. Should dates for any standardized tests be offered yet this school year, we will inform you as soon as possible.
- Free books from the NYCP Literacy For All program are being given away near the food distribution site by grade level from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Books are for any student who lives in the Community. Today, books for students in pre-K through 2nd grade were provided to 180 children!
- On Thursday (3/26), books for students in grades 3-5 will be given away.
- On Friday (3/27), books for grades 6-12 and any leftovers for younger grades will be given away.
Teachers will continue to check-in with students and families throughout the closure. Last week, families were contacted about picking up supplemental homework packets for students to complete while schools are closed. If you were unable to pick up your packet, please know that after today, all remaining homework packets will be mailed to students. Remember: Our website also has great online learning resources and learn-from-home tips. We also encourage you to check out our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages (search “Salt River Schools” and look for our thumbnail logo) for daily announcements from teachers and staff. We hope these bring you fun ideas and bring a smile to your face.
Wishing you good health and wellness,
Dr. Cynthia Clary
Acting Superintendent
Salt River Schools
Updated 3/24/20
The NYCP Literacy For All program will be giving away FREE packs of books to ALL youth in grades Pre-K through 12th. The books will be handed out near the food distribution canopy at SRHS of this week only (3/24-3/27). Click here to view a flyer with the details.

The book distribution schedule is as follows:
- Wednesday, March 25: Pre-K through 2nd Grade
- Thursday, March 26: 3-5 Grades
- Friday, March 27: 6-12 Grades
Please note: One book pack will be given per child, while supplies last. Each book pack comes with a family survey that must be returned. Call 480-878-8604 for convenient options.
Updated 3/20/20
The situation surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) has created many challenges, and we recognize you may have concerns for your family’s health and the future of your child’s education. Please know Salt River Schools is here for you. Our leaders continue to work tirelessly alongside the SRPMIC Emergency Management COVID-19 response team to meet the needs of the Community we serve.
Additionally, many our education staff will continue to provide essential services, and if you haven’t yet, you will soon hear from your child’s teacher about important resources and ways to continue student learning at home while schools are closed.
Some things to keep in mind:
- All Arizona schools will be closed through Friday, April 10, which was announced this afternoon in a joint statement from Governor Doug Ducey and Superintendent Kathy Hoffman. You can view their announcement here. The Salt River Schools closure includes all programs, events, sports, etc. Direction from SRPMIC leaders, as well as updates from public health authorities and other governing agencies, may change our school closure plans, including the date we expect to reopen. We will notify you of any new information as soon as possible. Stay updated at
- You may hear discussion through the media and other outlets that our state lawmakers are considering options to change this school year’s calendar and educational requirements. As of today, there have been no decisions regarding state assessments, school calendar, make-up days, or specific requirements for learning beyond the school closure. Again, we will update you as information is made available.
- In addition to schools providing at-home learning packets for students, we also hope you’ll take advantage of the online learning resources recommended by our very own Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Stant, as well as our amazing Curriculum & Instruction and Student Support Services teams. Keep checking back; we are constantly updating the links as we come across new opportunities.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention remain one of the best resources about all things COVID-19, including information and updates about the coronavirus, how to keep yourself healthy, signs and symptoms, and even how to talk to children and manage stress related to this situation.
We hope you’ll help us share this information with our school families who don’t have access to email or the internet and let them know they can visit our Education Administration office weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to obtain printed information materials (all other school offices are closed to the public). Staff working on-site are following public health recommendations, such as social distancing protocol, so please be patient with us if you come to visit.
We know you have many more questions, and we are doing our best to get you answers. We will share updates with you as we receive them, so please make sure your child’s school has your family’s most updated contact information. We appreciate your patience and understanding during these challenging times. With your support, we know we can get through this together.
Thank you,
Dr. Cynthia Clary
Acting Superintendent
Updated 3/20/20
Check out our list of online resources for families looking to do more learn-at-home activities, as well as fantastic recommendations from Mrs. Stant, the 2020 Arizona Teacher of the Year (and a third grade teacher at SRES)!
Updated 3/19/20
There is plenty of learning that can happen while school is closed and students are at home. Teachers and staff at every school are making contact with their students and families to check in, provide resources, and help keep students learning and succeeding academically.
Updated 3/18/20
Click here to view the new Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community COVID-19 information page. Please continue to check back for updates.
Updated 3/16/20
Free breakfast and lunch will be provided to all children 18 and under beginning March 17. Click here to view the details. Please note - the distribution time will change Friday, March 20 (click the link above for details).
Updated 3/15/20
After careful consideration and ongoing monitoring of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) situation,
Salt River Schools will be closed through March 31. This decision was made with the wellbeing of our students, family, staff, and Community in mind, and in coordination with Salt River Schools leaders, the Education Board, and Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community tribal administrators.
While there are no known cases of COVID-19 reported in the Salt River Community or by our staff and students at this time, we hope this decision will help everyone prioritize care for themselves and their families.
We are still working to build out long-term student learning plans, staff scheduling, and more. We will be sharing information with our stakeholders via SchoolMessenger Broadcast (phone, email, and text), so please make sure your child’s school has your family’s most updated contact information.
Here’s what we know at this time:
- Students will not report to school from Monday, March 16, through Tuesday, March 31. This closure includes child care at the Early Childhood Education Center. Students will not receive any attendance or grade penalties during this time. We are also working with the Arizona Department of Education regarding state assessments.
- All school events are canceled through April 10 (no field trips, no student/staff conferences/travel of any kind, no after-school programming, no parent meetings, no special events in the evenings, no athletic practices or games, etc.). We will share cancelation notices via the website and our social media (Facebook and Instagram).
- No school breakfast or lunch will be served on Monday, March 16; however, we will develop a plan to provide meals to Salt River Schools students and announce locations and times as soon as possible.
- Salt River Schools staff will receive special Administrative Leave through March 20; this will not impact or deplete staff leave banks. Please note: Essential staff may be asked to report to their job sites or work from home, as needed, and your supervisors will make contact with you as soon as possible. SRPMIC leaders are currently discussing long-term staffing needs, including Salt River Schools staff, and their decisions will be announced via staff email.
- Click here to stay updated and informed about COVID-19 via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Please know we strive to ensure our decisions have the least amount of negative impact on our stakeholders, especially our students, their families, and our staff. We are grateful for your patience and support as we finalize important details and continue to work through this challenging time together.
Dr. Cynthia Clary
Acting Superintendent
UPDATED 3/13/20
With Spring Break ending and questions about COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) on everyone’s mind,
we want to assure you that student, staff, and Community wellbeing is the topmost factor in our decision to welcome everyone back to school Monday, March 16, as planned.
Salt River Schools continues to be an active supporter of the local and regional response to COVID-19. Division leaders have been working closely with the SRPMIC Emergency Management COVID-19 response team, and the Arizona Department of Education, among other agencies, to monitor and stay updated as this ongoing situation develops.
We are committed to the safety of our students, our staff, and those we care for. Based on the information currently available, we are confident our decision to remain open at this time is the right one. Click here to view the Maricopa County Department of Public Health school guidelines that we are partly basing our decision on. Please know that if the situation changes, we will adjust our plans as directed by Community and health authorities, and information will be shared directly by our Communications team via SchoolMessenger Broadcast. Please make sure your contact information is updated at your child’s school.
Some things to be aware of regarding the Salt River Schools COVID-19 response to-date:
- Per SRPMIC directive, all non-mandatory staff travel is canceled through Friday, April 10. This ban also includes student travel, such as athletics and field trips.
- With guidance from the Canyon Athletic Association, spring sports (JH girls’ basketball, varsity baseball, varsity softball, and JH/HS track and field) are on hiatus from practices and competitions. This decision will be reevaluated with the plan to re-open sports after April 10.
- Postponing/canceling after-school (site-based) events will be considered on a case-by-case basis. School events will proceed as planned; if this changes, communication will come via SchoolMessenger Broadcast.
- Our cleaning protocols have always been top-notch, and staff have been extra-diligent over Spring Break. We have plenty of supplies for staff and students, including soap, sanitizer, disinfectant, and toilet paper. Click here to view the CDC's cleaning and disinfecting recommendations for schools.
- As usual, students and staff should stay home when sick, especially if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms. Please note: Health officials are currently recommending students and staff stay home for 48 hours post-fever (normally, the return time is 24 hours). Click here to view the CDC's COVID-19 readiness checklist for teachers and families, which include up-to-date guidelines regarding when to stay home.
This is a great time for our educators to utilize what they’ve been learning all year around trauma-informed education. Families can get a glimpse into some of the highlights as that training relates to COVID-19 by reading this inspiring message from the Executive Director of Prevent Child Abuse Arizona about the importance of connection. During this time of uncertainty, maintaining consistency, like a normal school day, can help ease the stresses our students may experience.
At Salt River Schools, our COVID-19 plan as of March 13 is to combine our strong core curriculum with empowering messages to students about how they and their families can keep viruses like COVID-19 and the flu at bay. Educators will be modeling and encouraging proper prevention strategies with good handwashing and germ control, such as disinfecting frequently-touched objects/surfaces. More tips and information can be found in the resources linked below:
Your support, patience, and dedication to our students is appreciated. Thank you, and stay tuned for more updates.

UPDATED 3/5/20
Our schools are actively involved in supporting the local, regional, and national response to COVID-19 (also known as the novel coronavirus). We have and will continue to collaborate with the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s Emergency Management “Coronavirus Command Coordination” team. Although the risk of contracting COVID-19 is low for our Community and schools, we are committed to providing our stakeholders with the most up-to-date information provided by health agencies.
What is Salt River Schools doing to protect students and staff against COVID-19?
- We are active partners and in regular communication with SRPMIC Emergency Management and Community officials. Additionally, school leaders are closely monitoring information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS), and the Maricopa County Department of Health (MCDPH).
- The likelihood of our schools being closed is low. In the event that a school closure is recommended, we will communicate all necessary information via printed letter, email, phone, text, social media, and our Division website: Please ensure we have your most updated contact information on file at your child’s school.
- Salt River Schools takes our fight against germs seriously, including those that spread COVID-19. Communal surfaces, classrooms, bathrooms, water fountains, playground equipment, etc., are disinfected on a frequent and ongoing basis.
This is a good time to review prevention strategies for respiratory viruses, such as the flu:
- Wash your hands often, with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick and keep sick children home as well. Please note: Health officials are currently recommending students and staff stay home for 48 hours post-fever (normally, the return time is 24 hours).
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your elbow, and immediately discard any tissues.
- Clean and disinfect frequently-touched objects and surfaces.
Stay informed! The following links have the most up-to-date information about COVID-19:
If you have any questions regarding school health policies or student absence procedures, please call your child’s school, or call the Salt River Schools Administration Office at 480-362-2500.
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community recently emailed its stakeholders to provide general information about the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Click here to view the information shared by the Community.
It is important to note that there are no reported cases of COVID-19 in the Salt River Community. To stay updated about reported cases, please visit the
Maricopa County Department of Public Health.
Coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 (previously known as 2019 novel coronavirus or 2019-nCoV), is a new respiratory virus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. It is part of a larger family of viruses called coronavirus, some of which are in circulation normally and can cause illnesses like the common cold. This web page is designed to provide a synopsis of the situation and how Salt River Schools has and will continue to be ready to protect student and staff health and well-being.
Get the most accurate facts and up-to-date information about the quickly evolving COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) situation from the Maricopa County Department of Public Health. It has created a special website available at that contains general information for the public as well as specific information for healthcare providers. You may also call the Maricopa County Department of Public Health hotline, available in English and Spanish, at 602-747-7099 to speak to a public health representative.
Information is rapidly developing. You can find the most up-to-date national information about the novel coronavirus on the CDC website at